Charitable Trust

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Extending a helping hand is the best way to help!

This statement stands true when you wish to donate to a Charitable Trust. Not only that you get blessings from these needy people but also you will get a lifetime income and the Dhana Yoga Foundation will also benefit in the long run! Indeed a win-win situation for everyone.

Where there is a will there is a way! Now that you have decided to donate there are a lot of ways by which you can do so such as:
Donate an asset:

Real estate
Appreciated stock
Cash to DYF

Dhana Yoga Foundation will then be able to sell these assets without paying capital gains tax and invest the profits— in paying a monthly income to you for a lifetime, and if you wish, even to your heirs for a lifetime or for a certain period of years. After the death of all income beneficiaries, your trust will eventually help these destitute and needy people to transform their lives in a positive manner.

Your generous efforts help YOU as well:

Since Dhana Yoga Foundation can put up your donated assets for sale, without paying capital gains tax, this becomes advantageous to those big-hearted donors who want to sell/donate highly appreciated assets. Sometimes many a dollar that would have gone to capital gains taxes remains in the trust, generating income for donors like you in return.

You can obtain an income tax deduction for the value of the donation you have made to DYF.

Another benefit is that the trust principal is not subject to estate tax and you will be benefited from this.

HOW can you donate to a charitable trust?

When you have the desire to serve humanity and then at the same time you are looking for a reliable and consistent income flow for a lifetime, and want to sidestep capital gains tax on stock or real estate, and reduce on estate tax then this is the best solution for you.

Fund DYF with Cash or Stock

Gifts of appreciated stock are perfect for funding charitable trusts because the stock can be re-invested and used by the trust for better lifetime income for you, and the trust will also be able to sidestep capital gains taxes at the time of the stock sale.

Donation of Real Estate Asset

Appreciated real estate donation is also an excellent way of asset donation, to a charitable trust like DYF. Mature asset properties regularly earn only 2-4% of their fair market value per year. When these assets are sold and the earnings are reinvested by the trust, earnings often increase appreciably. 

You being the owner normally have to pay considerable capital gains taxes when you sell rental properties or commercial real estate. On the other side, a charitable trust like DYF is a tax-exempt entity, when DYF sells the property, there would be no capital gains taxes levied on it. Therefore all the earnings of sale can be reinvested to produce more income for you over the period of time.

Giving Your Home and Keeping It, Too

Gifts of appreciated stock are perfect for funding charitable trusts because the stock can be re-invested and used by the trust for better lifetime income for you, and the trust will also be able to sidestep capital gains taxes at the time of the stock sale.

Giving Part of Your Property

There are people in the world who find it practical to give an exclusive percentage interest of their possessions into a charitable trust, rather than contribute in full. When the property is sold then the trust gets that much percent of the proceedings which it can use for the benefit of the needy. Indeed an appreciable way of donating!

In case of Doubt:

Feel free to call Dhana Yoga Foundation at email

Note: Although Dhana Yoga Foundation does not provide professional legal advice, we will be happy to work with your tax advisor or account executive to help in finding ways by which you can be a helping hand for our cause. Further, we assure you that all information provided will be kept confidential.

If you have already incorporated Dhana Yoga Foundation in your planned giving, please share this with us so that we can thank you for your humble efforts and keep you informed of our ongoing programs activities, and plans in the future.